Simply Citrus

For this Second Year project, we were tasked with designing interesting dispensers for bathroom products. I chose a very common type of dispenser - the pump-action soap dispenser. I took a very branding-centric approach, and tried to create a package that would stand-out on store shelves amid the myriad of options. The injection molded lemon would pressure fit onto the pump straw and create an eye-catching "ship-in-the-bottle" effect. The wide top allows the lemon to be removed for refilling, while also making the filling process easier.

For the final model pictured below; the body was made by vacuum-forming onto a mold lathed out of wood; the cap, pump-handle, and lemon, were carved out of high density foam and painted; the Simply Citrus decal was done with vinyl; and the straw and member going from the cap to the pump handle were taken off an existing soap dispenser.

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Original Concepts

Over the first week of the project, I came up with several concepts of which I chose to present three:

A dual-dispenser having two different types of soaps for different users of the same bathroom. For example, soothing aloe, paired with heavy-duty antibacterial.

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A labeless dispenser that would be sold with a bag of soap (existing product). This was an eco-inspired alternative because the beautiful bottle is less likely to be thrown out, as well as serving for a larger quantity of soap right upon purchase.

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And finally, Simply Citrus. In the bottom right is a foamcore mockup that served to better explain the concept.

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February 16, 2011