
For this short Fourth Year Minor project, we were asked to produce two self-portraits: one "public" portrait designed to display our personality and design philosophy to the world, and one "private" portrait self-reflecting our inward motivations and demeanors. While most people chose to use photos and other traditional portraiture media, I took the opportunity to explore product ideas, and fabrication techniques.

The "public" portrait on the left consists of a low gauge electrical wire that is looped into a spiral and terminates with a standard bulb socket. The part of the spiral covering the bulb is stitched together with polyester thread providing a surprisingly good lampshade. This product speaks to my design philosophy in that: it does more with less, it's quirky but useful, it's largely concept driven. It also speaks to the duality of my personality; the cord "powers" the bulb, but also tempers its output. This is often how I feel when I'm designing: get crazy, then step back a bit.

The "private" portrait on the right consists of a foam head with the insides carved out and replaced with a light-bulb. It speaks to the ideas that are constantly swirling in my head, my need to get these ideas out, and my open-mindedness to others ideas.

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April 1, 2013